Wednesday 21 July 2010

Pilgrims Antiques Centre. Christenings, Weddings and Funerals.

Welcome to Pilgrims Antiques once again.
It is always worth a stroll along West Street to see what we have - and even if you don't have time for a visit then the window displays are worth studying.
We are blessed that Sue likes to give time and an attention to detail in order to create a window display that is attractive and interesting.
She changes the display every couple of weeks and tries to use something from each person's area to fit in with her theme.
This time the theme is christenings, weddings and funerals - or hatches, matches and dispatches.

At one side of the window hangs the creamy 1930s wedding dress and at the other side is a black shawl and black ostrich feathers.

I find it impossible to take a picture of the window display as a whole. The reflections, which your eye doesn't see when gazing through the glass, are picked up by the camera and dominate the pictures.

I can get a reasonably good picture by holding the camera right up to the glass and a few pictures I took from within the shop.
And I added three pictures found on the internet to add a bit more interest.

All lined up in a wedding group
'Ere we are for a photograph
We're all dressed up in a morning suit
All trying hard not to laugh
Since the early caveman in his fur
Took a trip to Gretna Green
There's always been a photographer
To record the 'appy scene.....

Cameras are part of every family occasion.
Some may frown upon pictures at a funeral - but it is often a rare occasion when many family members are together and it is good to record them together.

The cameras in the window display, being old ones and black are sitting in the funeral end of the scene.

The christening.

Beautiful christening gowns.

Lovingly embroidered slippers for baby's big day.

Christening gifts - from the embossed silver prayer book to the Clarice Cliffe collector's club salt and pepper.

How clever are the people who decorate special cakes.
The Wedding

I didn't spot Bill sitting at the desk in the shop - never mind he was a very special part of my wedding! We have been married now for 45 years.

Wedding dress and veil.
And bag - and horseshoes.
The dress has wonderful pearl buttons.

Lets drink some champagne to toast the bride and groom.

And now the happy couple can gather their luggage and be off for the romantic honeymoon.
The Funeral.

Black is the traditional colour for funerals.

The traditional horse drawn hearse.

I do enjoy putting together a blog posting about Pilgrims, but the next two will probably be brief.
I shall be enjoying the company of my son and grand daughter and making a good holiday for them

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pauls, thankyou for visiting my blog, and sorry to have missed you when you visited N Wales. Rosie - from the Bangor bootsale did say you has stopped by, so I did get to hear something of you! Hope you had a good time. We stand Mona carboot sale on a Sunday - its on all year round, we stand inside the big sheds, there is lots of room for a lot of stalls. We prefer it to the Bangor bootsale.
    Sounds like you have been out and about visiting, are you settling down at home for the winter - it worries me people traveling about in bad weather - it awful here at the moment, terrible winds.
    Hope to see you again when you next visit N wales.

    Vicky x
