Tuesday 16 February 2010

Pilgrims Antiques Centre 17. Pancake day - Shrove Tuesday.

Welcome again to the world of Pilgrims Antiques Centre in Dorking.
Each week I give more details about things to be found in the shop according to a theme that comes into my head.
Sometimes we look at grand things and at other times we might be concentrating on the more humble.
Some things are well over 100 years old and others come from the trends of 40 or 50 years ago.

I try to feature items from all the sellers, but this is not possible every week. Some sellers have very specialist interests.
If you would like a larger image of any item that interests you, then click on the picture and then use the back arrow on your computer to return to the main page.
And of course I cannot guarantee that items seen here will still be in the shop when you call in. Things are sold and new stock arrives every day.

Today is Shrove Tuesday.
Like many in this country I have made and eaten pancakes.

I was thinking of this expectantly as I arrived at Pilgrims Antiques yesterday - it would be the theme for this week's posting on the shop blog.
Great minds think alike, they say..... and clearly Sue had been thinking on the same lines when she created the new window display.
Both the blog and the window display are about the nurturing and caring that emanates from the family kitchen.

I enjoyed looking round the shop to find yet more images to highlight this week's theme.

How do you like your pancakes?
As a child it was always lemon juice and sugar. Today I also had chocolate sauce for a grand daughter.
These items are to be found in the sections of 4 different sellers.

I had my recipe and my lemon squeezer at the ready and then began the fun of pancake making.
Look I tossed the pancake - and caught it again.
This was not in the shop of course.

JW has a full kitchenalia section.
It depends on your colour scheme which sort of thing you might like to decorate your shelves.

JW has a range of bowls and moulds.

She also has this chef - the pig chef.
He is very heavy. If you bought him, you would need to get your car and quickly park outside the shop (watch the traffic wardens!) to collect him.

TJ also has various items of kitchen ware.

The bread board, jug and brass scoop are sold by SBG. The earthenware storage jar is mine (PM).

SBG sell a lot of well prepared old copper and brass.

I cannot claim that we have a kitchen sink to sell - but almost anything else, including this old solid wood draining board in MC's area.
The other items are from TJ.

JN generally does grand! I couldn't find much of the more humble kitchen character.
But this splendid blue and white dinner service with a huge tureen makes one think of large family lunches.

My pancakes were served with a wooden spatula - but how lovely to get out silver or silver plated beautiful serving slices etc. These are from the cabinet where JAS has her stock.

Table cloths and fine china enhance any table.
Here we have table ware from JC and JW.

Finally I will share a couple of kitchen shelves in my own section.

If you have eaten pancakes today I hope it was an enjoyable family occasion.
The rain has been incessant today - doubt that pancake races would have been much fun.
What a shame.

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